Hydrological Water Monitoring Project

We are pleased to share our Hydrological Water Monitoring Project, together with Wild Bird Trust team, National Geographic conservation project and Into the Okavango. The project collects environmental data through sensors at strategic points along the basin, this data is then live-streamed and transformed into insights through the various dashboards using technologies such as Google Cloud, Big Query, Python and Google Data Studio. Find out more at:


The dashboard of public access: https://datastudio.google.com/embed/u/0/reporting/ba0acb8e-b3f8-4058-8f53-d78e1157a5a1/page/p_37qhzz67oc


Smart Data

Maria Ines Aran (ella/she/her) participated in the Smart Data panel in La Nacion: “…data by itself does not solve any problem. She stressed that it is not

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